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Equidex 0,2% – 100 ml

$ 50,82

Equidex 0,2% is a steroidal anti-inflammatory that acts on the musculoskeletal system, indicated in conditions such as: tendinitis, synovitis and bursitis. In metabolic disorders such as ketosis, when combined with antibiotics it is useful for the treatment of pneumonia, metritis, mastitis, gabarro, and it is also useful in anaphylactic shock, allergic processes and in induced lactation protocols. adrenal, adrenal insufficiency, in poisoning and intoxication.


Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate 2 mg
Excipients q.s. 1 ml


Horses and Camels: 3 ml to 10 ml

Dogs: 0.5 to 1 ml

Upon recommendation of the Veterinarian.

Apply Intramuscular or intravenous route.


100 ml

Additional information

Weight 275 g
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 10 cm


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