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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What product should I use and when?
    • Out of Season: Focus on muscle recuperators and developers for reaction time, speed, and other attributes.
    • In Season: Utilize non-detectable stimulants, oxygenators, and pain relievers.
    • Always: Incorporate protections, multivitamins, and similar supplements.

    For more information, I recommend reading this article, which provides detailed insights and lists commonly used products: How to Get Started.

  1. How can I trust you? How can I trust the products? How can I identify counterfeit products?  

    Currently, we are relatively unknown on the other side of the world, and it’s natural to have concerns about trust. My advice is to ask questions, seek guarantees or references from us, and investigate the suppliers and laboratories involved. At the beginning, I always recommend purchasing small quantities to test the products and their effectiveness. Be cautious of counterfeit products, scammers, and imitators of our website. Trust is built over time, so it’s important not to waste your time and money on unreliable sources. For further information, please visit this link, where we explain how to obtain guarantees and recognize fakes and scammers, along with a list of known scammers: Fake Products and Scammers.

  1. What products do you recommend?

    I recommend consulting with your veterinarian for personalized advice. It is essential not to use any products without proper professional guidance.It is better to invest in a reputable professional for sound advice than to spend a fortune on dubious products that promise miraculous results. Misusing a product is akin to wasting money. Animals are complex organisms, not machines that operate solely on chemical products. Even if they were, there is no guarantee that a specific product will continue to be effective or that it might not cause more harm than good in the long run. With that said, based on our professional experience, we can suggest products that are primarily used in racing to enhance sports performance. However, results can vary significantly if these products are misused.

  1. What is the price list?

    Our prices are listed on the website. If you find them too high, please let us know!  We have discount policies based on the quantity of your purchase. Additionally, we offer special pricing for bulk orders from the USA, Mexico, or Brazil, subject to our agreements with laboratories and distributors in those countries. If you become a usual client, we will be reward you with discount prices and bonus products for trusting our company and help us thrive.