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Acute and chronic bronchitis. Dry cough (irritating), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, pulmonary viral disorders (as symptomatic treatment).Equine adenitis.In every bronchial disorder where it is necessary to reduce mucus viscosity and favor expectoration.

COMPOSITION: Bromhexine hydrochloride 300 mg Excipients q.s. 100 mL

PRESENTATION: 100mL amber vials.

SPECIES: To be used in sport horses. Do not use in horses that may be used for human food consumption.

DOSAGE AND ROUTE OF ADMINISTRATION: In regular size horses (450kg): 15 mL twice a day (every 12 hours). In animals of smaller size: 3.3 mL each 100 kg live weight, twice a day (every 12 hours). Administer by slow intravenous route.Eventually, if the I.V. route is not possible, it can be administered via intramuscular route. The length of the treatment depends on the disorder and the criteria of the acting professional. In acute cases, 5 days of treatment might be enough. In chronic disorders, 10/15 days more may be necessary.


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