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Ivermax Premium – Tornel – 500ml

$ 257,13

For the prevention and treatment of endoparasites (gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes) and ectoparasites (insect larvae, lice and scabies). Helps in the control of Ticks and chewing lice.

USE IN: Cattle

DOSE: 1 mL for every 50 kg of body weight, equivalent to 1 dose of 630 mcg per kg of body weight. It is recommended to apply the indicated dose at intervals of between 5 and 7 weeks when acting against gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes. It is recommended to apply at intervals between 60 and 70 days against ticks and worms. A single application is sufficient to combat psoroptic scabies infestations. If necessary repeat after 28 days.


WARNINGS: Do not consume the meat of treated animals until 122 days after the last treatment. Do not administer to cows in production. It is recommended to apply during the dry period 122 days before delivery. Destroy the container after use. Do not dispose of surplus on groundwater since it is harmful to fish and other aquatic organisms.

Distributed for Mexico


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