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Korteba – Bayer – 50ml

$ 45,38

KORTEBAMR is a steroidal anti-inflammatory in aqueous suspension, useful in the treatment of inflammatory processes, metabolic disorders and as a complement to antimicrobial therapy, which is used in cattle, horses, canines, felines.

Each ml contains:
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate
2 mg / ml
Excipient, c.b.p. 1 ml.


Cattle: As a complement in antibiotic therapy for septic processes in calves and adult cattle such as septicemia, polyarthritis, mastitis, etc.
In metabolic disorders such as ketosis, KORTEBAMR is useful for its stimulating action on gluconeogenesis.
It is also useful in indigestion due to its antitoxic action.
In inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system such as carpitis, bursitis, laminitis, etc.
KORTEBAMR has an excellent antiphlogistic effect.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: KORTEBAMR is contraindicated in animals with osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus and pregnant animals.
Animals should not be slaughtered for human consumption until 21 days after the last treatment.
The cow’s milk should not be consumed until 72 hours after the last treatment.
Corticosteroids are not recommended for use in pregnant animals.
In the presence of bacterial infections, antibacterial drugs are usually required when steroids are being applied.
Store below 25 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.
After the first dose is drawn, the product must be used within 28 days.
Discard excess material.
PRESENTATION: Multi-dose bottle with 50 ml.

Distributed from Mexico

Additional information

Weight 145 g
Dimensions 14 × 8 × 8 cm