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Ponade – Pisa – 250ml

$ 59,09

It is a product in which selenite and vitamin E act in a complementary way, protecting cells against the accumulation of peroxides, which are the cause of cell degeneration and destruction, promote effective defense responses of the immune system and improve reproductive results. .

FORMULA: Each ml contains: Sodium Selenite 10.95mg, equivalent to 5mg of Selenium, Vitamin E 50mg Vehicle c.b.p 1ml.

It is used for the prevention and treatment of selenium and vitamin E deficiency syndrome in cattle, goats and sheep. Restores muscle performance. Improves fertility in males and females; improves fertility, gestation and reproductive conditions in general (prevention of placental retention, reduction of premature calves, reduction of the number of days open and number of services per conception), it is also used in the preparation of stallions for service and improvement the quality of the semen.

Distributed from Mexico

Additional information

Weight 550 g
Dimensions 22 × 10 × 10 cm


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