Salix 10 ml – MSD
$ 48,50
Salix® is a diuretic and saluretic that is chemically distinct and pharmacodynamically characterized by:
- Rapid onset and short duration of diuresis. Its action does not extend beyond the planned timeframe.
- Pharmacological activity throughout the functional area of the nephron: proximal and distal tubules, and the ascending segment of the loop of Henle.
- The quantity and duration of diuresis can be regulated by modifying the dosage, intervals, and administration method, ensuring a proper dose-response relationship with a range that can be increased tenfold.
- Marked selectivity in electrolyte elimination, with an optimal sodium/potassium balance; it practically does not cause hypokalemia.
- Broad range of action; effective even in the most resistant cases, including significantly reduced renal function.
- At very high doses and prolonged administration, it has demonstrated excellent tolerance without signs of accumulation or toxicity. In resistant cases, prescribed doses may be doubled based on the professional’s judgment to determine the optimal dose for each animal.
- Induces diuresis in the distal tubule, effective in both acidosis and alkalosis; it has no inhibitory effects on carbonic anhydrase, does not influence aldosterone activity, nor does it affect carbohydrate metabolism.
- Suitable for administration in both large and small animals.
Chemical Composition:
Salix® is an anthranilic acid with the following formula:
4-chloro-N-furfuryl-5-sulfamoyl anthranilic acid (furosemide).
Clinical Indications:
For all species:
- Pulmonary edema, pulmonary congestion, ascites:
Pulmonary edema caused by acute intoxication responds to treatment with Salix®. In some cases, it may be necessary to double or triple the initial dose.
- Renal edema: This condition responds well to Salix®, even with severely restricted glomerular filtration, demonstrating high efficacy in chronic glomerulonephritis.
- Gestational edema: When effective diuresis is needed during pregnancy, Salix® acts without pathological effects or contraindications. It is particularly recommended during the last third of gestation for treating edema caused by excess fluid accumulation.
- Cardiac edema: Salix® is highly effective when treatment is necessary.
- Hepatic edema: Recommended for use, with success achieved even in resistant ascites cases.
- Intoxications: Due to its diuretic action, Salix® is effective in treating intoxications of various origins (dietary, drug-related, intestinal, or myogenic autointoxications). Intravenous, followed by intramuscular administration as per professional judgment, yields conclusive results.
Examples of Clinical Applications (Veterinary Literature):
- Horses: Edema in the udder, pre- and postpartum; preputial and scrotal edema; various non-inflammatory edemas; cachectic or diet-related edemas; wound-related edemas, snake bites, laminitis, anasarca.
- Cattle: Udder edema (fluid accumulation in the subcutaneous tissue of the udder, teats, and abdominal wall); cachectic and parasitic edemas.
- Dogs: Pulmonary and bronchial edema, hydropericardium and hydrothorax, ascites (with or without liver cirrhosis), non-inflammatory cerebral edemas, renal edema, and combined edema (heart failure with hydropericardium).
Injectable (slow intravenous or intramuscular)
Large animals
5 to 10 ml once or twice daily at 6-8 hour intervals. Intermittent dosing for 2-4 days, with a one-week break, is recommended.
Small animals
¼ to ½ ml per 5 kg of body weight, once or twice daily at 6-8 hour intervals.
- Acute glomerulonephritis or acute renal failure, anuria, digitalis overdose, severe liver cirrhosis, urticaria.
- Hypokalemia.
- Use with caution in urination disorders due to its intense action.
Usage Restrictions:
- Animals treated with Salix® must not be destined for human consumption during treatment and for 48 hours after its conclusion.
- Milk produced during treatment and for 48 hours afterward must not be used for human consumption or industrial processing.
Store between 2 and 25°C.
10 ml vial.
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