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VITAMINA ADE 500 – Schütze-Segen – 100 & 250ml

Hydrodispersible injectable solution
Vitamin supplement

Each ml contains
Vitamin A ……………………. 500,000 I.U.
Vitamin D3 ………………… .. 75,000 I.U.
Vitamin E ……………………. 50 I.U.
Vehicle, c.b.p. 1 ml

All species.

The Vitamin AD3E-500® product is a powerful vitamin whose hydromiscible technology in its formula allows it to have high stability under a wide range of circumstances typical of the environment and the treated animal, making its use very noble and effective.

Vitamin AD3E-500® stands out for its high absorption from the injection site, making the vitamins in its formula more quickly bioavailable so that they arrive and act where they are required, unlike traditional formulas that are kept for long periods in the application site.

For the prevention and treatment of conditions in domestic animals caused by a deficiency of vitamins A, D and E.

Large animals: 3 to 4 ml
Medium animals: 2 to 3 ml
Small animals: 0.5 to 2 ml
Repeat the treatment every 30 or 90 days as the case may be.

Deep intramuscular with 1.5 inch needle.

Distributed from Mexico


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